The Kelly Gang.
The Inner History. | Edward Kelly's Jerilderie Letter. | Letters to and from Ned. | Kelly Gang's Weapons. | The Kelly Gang's Armour. | Tourism in Kelly Country. | Before And After. | Guestbook and Feedback. | A Historians View. | The Last Outlaw. | Talk Show On Kelly. | Ned: The Exhibition. | The Kelly Gang Trivia Page. | Kelly Related Links. | Up To Date Kelly News. | More Kellys. | Kelly Music. | Kelly In Print. | Kelly in Magazine | Contact Me. | Men and Myths | Site Conclusion. | Roll Up! Roll Up! Cast your vote here! | Young Kelly Authors. | Why A Kelly Gang Site? | Thank-you's


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Ned Kelly,Dan Kelly Steve Hart & Joe Byrne.
Are they murderers? Heroes perhaps? are they the "Mansfield Murderers" or were they men who fought for justice? were they victims of the system? or crazed villains and killers? Make a decision here at,and decide for yourself,the truth behind the Kelly gang.....

Ned Kelly's Armour.


Clad in Armour.

A Hero In Width: Ned Kelly's Last Stand.


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Up To Date Kelly News.

By Mike Lawson.