Welcome to the Kelly Outbreak feedback page! Please feel free to leave any comments, critzim, or just any old yarn!HOME

If a debate is started your email feedback will be placed under "The Latest Ned" so please lets have a debate!!! Enjoy!




Feedback 31/07/02

Brendan Pearse brendan@nedtheexhibition.com

Mike , keep up the good work and as always Matt and I are happy to support whatever you do . Your good buddies , Brendan and Matt - This is the best email I have ever received, Matt and Brendan, are two of the best blokes you will and can ever meet! I Thanks for everything you two have done for me I can't be more appreciative, one day I will pay you back for everything you have done for me! I love you fellas! thanks! - Mike.


The Centenary Dinner at Glenrowan 21/06/02

Gino ginosaurus@hotmail.com 

Is any one else attending the centenary dinner in Glenrowan to commemorate the siege? Great website mate! - Yes I Mike the webmaster WILL certainly be there I hope to see all fellow sympathisers there! Mike.


HSC HSC 12/06/02

Kate  littlemiss_84@hotmail.com

I am studying society and culture for my HSC and for one of my
subjects I have to do a personal interest project. for this project I have
chosen to study Ned Kelly and robin hood. I am discussing whether Ned
Kelly is the robin hood of Australia and whether he is a hero or an anti
hero. if you have any feed back please contact me ASAP. thanks, Kate - he certainly is.......

GREAT JOB! 7/06/02

Kristin Van Woert:  princessblueyes03@yahoo.com  
I have no information to add to your site but I think someone who is this interested in something and can offer so much information on one subject is really kind of original. Anyone who comes here can see this is important to you and you offer a lot of information about someone and something that happened that many people didn't know about but evidently should. It's kind of inspiring for people to learn and share something they've spend a lot of time on and share it with the world. Good Job. 

TOP SITE! 29/05/02

Shane Moad :   home.place@bigpond.com

Hi Mike, Its been a while so I thought I would drop you a line.
Well done with the format of your site its looking great and very
informative. Seems as like you are getting some good feedback Mike, you
deserve it. To the folk who keep bagging you I'd like to say, have you
people ever tried to get a web page up and running? I don't think you have
or you would be keeping your pitiful comments to your self. Wait there
could be another reason, maybe your feelings have been hurt a young fella
like Mike being able to get up off his backside and doing something
constructive and in the process doing better than you can.  If you cant
say anything positive or at least see the worth in what he is doing don't
say anything.  I agree not everything Ned and the boys did was the best
idea but have you spared a thought to what all you detractors would do if
you were in his shoes in those days. Least he had the guts to stand up for
what he believed in I dare say unlike some of you boofheads. So to
finish, again good on ya Mike, stuff the detractors, your doing a great
job.  Take care, Shane - good on you Shane, thanks for the great comments, hope to here from you soon! MIKE - webmaster.

GO NED!  24/05/02                                                                  

Jay Linsell sneaky_lil_shit@hotmail.com

Good work Mike, it's the best Ned Kelly site I think will ever
be made. At first I thought ironoutlaw.com was good but that was one of
the first sites I seen, then when I seen yours, I thought yours was a 100
times better! Keep up the good work!

Jonathon [ e-mail not given ] 
I painted this picture for you, it is Ned Kely my dad helped me, from Jonathon age 6. - Well done little fella! I sent Johnny out a little Kelly present for this effort!!!




NED KELLY LIVES ON! 6/05/02                                                  

 Michael Pappiouno : gingerninja5@cooltimes.com                                     Ned Kelly will live forever on , Go Ned Kelly!! - I agree! - Mike : ) I'm gong to be on the Ned Tours , is any one else? - yes! I am in May hope to see everyone there! - Mike 

THE LATE SHOW 2/05/02                                                     llama : findaway99@hotmail.com 
Mike, I like the 'morons page' mate, its wicked !. I saw that
thing where Mick Malloy and Tony martin took a trip to the Kelly country
and I found it bloody hilarious !...that was a f*cking funny show ( the
late show)... enjoying your site and it's more than frequent updates!...
your mate llama:)) - thanks mate, folks, llama has his own Kelly site at http://www.nedkelly.cjb.net have a look - Mike :)

Daryl Green : dgreenyweeny@hotmail.com
I believe the traps in Ned's days were real bastards, otherwise there would have never been a Kelly rebellion in the first place for god sake!!! Great Site! GO Ned!

re: POLICE OF THE ERA 7/04/02                                                William Cartwright : tank101@myway.com                                            I must disagree with Daryl on that one, I believe there were good police, there were bad ones, the ones Ned come across were bad'


Brad Wallace tiger235@ilovechocolate.com                                       

This is one fine bloody website, I came across it on the ironoutlaw page I think yours is much bloody better, your specified info is tops, and your layout is very professional. How old did you say you were? - thanks for the comments I am wrapt, I am 15 mate thanks again.....

re: YOU SUCK                                                                

Jay Linsell: sneaky_lil_shit@hotmail.com
Mate just because you don't have anything else to do but insult
peoples marvellous work doesn't mean you need to be such a lamo and go
around every bodies sites and make up shit. I haven't seen you make anything
good, why is that, maybe because your to much of a fag trying to find
people to insult hey! Well GROW UP!

re: YOU SUCK  1/04/02                                                           

Mark Perry : tbird4@chariot.net.au 

You're a wordsmith!

Did you know good manners cost nothing? Mike Lawson is a decent, intelligent bloke with a healthy interest in our countries history. What do you find so offensive about that? Now calm yourself, sit down on your torn lounge chair, - I doubt he owns one mate.. crack another beer, light a fag - money factor comes into this... and watch the cartoons - good advice mate... Mike will continue to go about his business......   
                                    Love MARK - what a good bloke!
                                  -& bumsniffer!

YOU SUCK  10/04/02                                                            

 f*ckyou@f*ckyou.com - I know people, I know.....
what's your f*cking story weener? Your whole site is one big rip
off of the iron outlaw. Haven't ya ever heard of plagerism? - fine spelling.... Don't you
feel ashamed ? Your a deceitful little c*ckhead and nothing more, get of
the kelly story and go ride your skateboard you little bumsniffer - what can a bloke say?