“Today the people come simply to look at what once was. And wonder. Here is a genuine penal museum. The Old Melbourne Gaol. Here is a bluestone relief, a colonial hang-over, in a city of steel and plate glass. But it is, first of all, the place where they hanged Ned Kelly. Somewhere nearby, no one knows where, are his bones. It doesn’t matter; the man is everywhere.”



This section will briefly discuss the last resting places of many of the personalities involved in the “Kelly Outbreak”. In no particular order, there is information on their last days and directions to the grave if appropriate. Remember you are calling on other peoples memories so please be discreet.



EDWARD KELLY-Initially, Ned was buried in the grounds of The Old Melbourne Gaol. Over the years, according to reports, excavation work unearthed his bones.(Apparently, on more than one occasion.)His remains according to some, have recently made the journey to Coburg and are now interred near Ronald Ryan in the grounds of what is now Pentridge Village.

Although a certain fellow in Western Australia claims to have Neds skull, from available evidence, it would appear to be the skull of a female.


JOSEPH BYRNE-After suffering the indignity of being sketched and photographed by the press, Joes body was secretly buried in the  Benalla cemetery. Today, after many years, the grave site has been marked. It can be found @ the rear of cemetery grounds under a large tree. Lillies are also there to indicate the presence of a grave. Joe lies near the body of Martin Cherry, the civilian who became a casualty of the Siege of Glenrowan. Cherries inquest was held at the Victoria Hotel in Benalla which can be located on Carrier St. near the railway station.


DANIEL KELLY-After his charred remains were raked from the ashes of Anne Jones


Glenrowan Inn, Dan was interred in the cemetery at Greta along side Steve Hart. There have been claims over the years that he is actually buried at Eleven Mile creek, near the remains of the Kelly Homestead but this has not been substantiated and hardly matters because both locations are in the Kelly heartland and a fitting resting place for Neds younger brother. The grave(s)is unmarked.


STEPHEN HART-Traditionally, Steve is buried at Greta cemetery but stories persist that he lays in an unmarked grave on the old Hart property near Wangaratta. Another,  slightly sinister story is the belief that both Dan and Steve escaped from the inferno of Glenrowan and lived out their lives elsewhere. Although some historians subscribe to this theory, there has been no concrete evidence to prove this to be the case.


AARON SHERRITT-Joe Byrnes one time best friend was shot by Joe in the Woolshed valley one cold night in June 1880.It is ironic that the gangs only cold blooded murder was one of their own. Aaron lies in an unmarked grave in Beechworth cemetery. Although there have been attempts over the years to mark the site, feeling for the Byrne/Sherritt connection has been so strong, the idea was abandoned. He lies near another historic grave that IS marked-John Watt-shot by bushrangers.


“On the tableland and in the valley below, the two families hugged their grief tight and spoke of revenge; while rain drifted over the hills and two anonymous mounds of freshly turned clay lost their rawness, settled and sprang with grass.”


       Passage describing the laying to rest of Joe in Benalla and                    

                       Aaron in Beechworth.


           From “The Fatal Friendship”-Ian Jones. Page 191  (2002)


KENNEDY LONIGAN SCANLON-The 3 police officers shot by Ned and Joe at Stringybark creek in 1878 lie in the Mansfield cemetery. All 3 graves are within site of each other. From the main entrance, follow path straight ahead. Lonigan is on the right, Kennedy on the left and Scanlon is to the left of both over by the fence. Headstone is patched up after being stupidly destroyed by vandals. The memorial to the 3 policemen is at the main cross roads in Mansfield and worth a visit. It was dedicated in 1880 while the gang was still at large..


ARTHUR LOFTUS MAULE STEELE-Although Sergeant Steele had a busy time at the Siege of Glenrowan, some of his actions were highly questionable. After shooting at civilians, he brought Ned down and tried to murder him but was prevented. He lived out his days in Wangaratta(in Murphy St.)and is buried in Wangaratta cemetery not too far from the grave of Jack Jones-another civilian casualty of the siege.(Roman catholic section.)


CORPORAL SAMBO-One of the Queensland Native Police brought in to track the gang. He died of exposure and is buried in the Benalla Cemetery. Grave is now marked.


JOHN(RED)KELLY-Neds father.Red died in December 1866 at the age of 47 following a substantial spell in prison. The grave has recently been marked and is in the Avenel cemetery near the corner of Queen St. and Ewings Rd. Also in the same cemetery lies Richard Shelton, the boy saved by Ned from drowning for which he was awarded the green silk sash now on display at the Benalla Pioneer Museum.


ELLEN KELLY/KING-Neds mother lies in an unmarked grave in Greta cemetery. Of all of her and Reds children, she survived all but two, Jim and Grace. According to the Death certificate, she died on 27th May 1923.She lies in the Roman Catholic section and was respected in the district when she passed away at a “ripe old age”.


JAMES KELLY-Jim also lies in an unmarked grave in Greta cemetery. Plot is outlined by four small posts. He spent most of his life after the outbreak caring for his Mother and died at age 89.He was buried on 18th December 1946, a most respected citizen.


THOMAS LLOYD-Neds cousin and staunchest ally. Tom Lloyd lies in a marked grave in Greta cemetery. During the Kelly Outbreak, he was identified as the fifth member of the gang. He died in August 1927.


MARGARET SKILLION/LLOYD-Maggie Skillion (or Skilling) was a tower of strength to the outlaws. As well as looking after the family at Eleven Mile creek, she saw that Ned and co. were as safe as possible. When her first husband did not return to her from prison, she married Tom Lloyd. She died at an early age and was buried on January 24th 1896 in an unmarked grave.(Behind Tom Lloyds in Roman Catholic section.)


ANTON WICKS-Died on 18th March 1893 aged 66.Grave is in the Church of England section-Beechworth cemetery. Turn right @ Rotunda and walk 45 metres. Turn left and walk another 45. Joe Byrne used Anton to lure Aaron Sherritt to his death. Thinking Anton was lost, he went to answer his door willingly. Antons wife is buried alongside.(1870)


ALEXANDER FITZPATRICK-Constable Fitzpatrick was no doubt the catalyst of the Kelly Outbreak.He was a weak man who liked a drink and to tell the odd lie.It was on his evidence that Ellen Kelly went to prison in 1878.He is buried in Box Hill cemetery on Middleborough Rd.(Prebyterian section,back left hand corner of cemetery.)He died from cardiac exhaustion after developing cirrhosis of the liver in May 1924, aged 67.His wife Anna Savage, died in January 1951 and lies in the same row.Captain Standish forced Fitzpatrick to marry her after she wrote to him and complained of Alex’s”loose ways”.


KATE FOSTER-Neds sister Kate apparently had an unhappy life after 1880. She was found drowned in the lagoon at Forbes N.S.W. in 1898.It is said her husband, William Foster, was not a good one. Jim Kelly made the journey and brought back Kates children to Greta to be raised by Ellen. Kates son, Fred Foster, died in action in World War 1.His name can be seen on the Oxley War Memorial. Kates grave is in the Forbes cemetery. Not far from the grave of Ben Hall, bushranger shot near Forbes 15 years prior.


THOMAS McINTYRE-Constable McIntyre was the survivor of the Stringybark search party headed by Sergeant Kennedy. According to sources, he was very much alone after that fateful day. He lived @ 5 Hotham St. Ballarat and died aged 72, 1918.The grave is in the new cemetery, Lydiard St. North Ballarat.


HUGH BRACKEN-Constable Bracken was stationed @ Glenrowan in 1880 and stopped Arthur Steele from killing Ned. He received a large portion of the reward money. After Ned died, he found he was highly thought of by sympathisers and family yet rebuffed by many of his fellow officers-possibly due to envy. All this got to Bracken which resulted in a nervous break-down. On the 7th April 1883, he was transferred from Wallan to the Melbourne police depot and then found unfit for further service.He was discharged and received a pension. His wife died, worn out, @ Oakleigh in 1884. She and their son, Richard, had been @ Glenrowan when taken prisoner by Ned and Joe. Hugh Bracken died @ Wallan, aged 60 on 22nd February 1900 from gunshot wounds, self inflicted. He was buried on 25th February 1900 in Wallan cemetery.His grave is not marked.His son Richard was killed in action on 19th September 1918 less than a month before the end.(11th November 1918-WW1).


THOMAS CURNOW-After Ned allowed school teacher Curnow to leave the Glenrowan Inn and go home with his sick wife, he ran down the railway line toward Benalla and warned the Police on the train of the Kelly threat. Thus began the Siege of Glenrowan. After the siege, Curnow left Glenrowan at the instigation of the education department and reported to Melbourne, possibly for his own safety. He died on 20th December 1922 and is buried in the family plot in section D of the old Ballarat cemetery.(Near the Crewick Rd. fence.)Grave is marked “Ginge Curnow.”


FREDERICK STANDISH-Chief Commisioner Standish is buried in the Melbourne General cemetery near Optus oval, Carlton.His philosophy was “a constable is born, not made.”Despite his lifes excesses, apparently he was penniless when he died.


FRANCIS AUGUSTUS HARE-Superintendent Frank Hare initially cultivated Aaron Sherritt as a police spy. His close adoration of Aaron says a lot about them both. He was forced to retire after the 1881 Royal Commission into the police force. The grave is close to that of Standish.


CHARLES HOPE NICOLSON-Superintendent Nicolson was Hares arch rival and joint captor of Harry Power, Neds tutor in bushranging. Nicolson is buried in St. Kilda cemetery. He became a police magistrate after the 1881 commission.


JOHN SADLEIR-Superintendent Sadleir was one of the fairer men amongt the officers in the Kelly pursuit. He is buried in Brighton Cemetery.





JOHN McMONIGLE-Jack McMonigle worked with Ned in the years Ned “went straight”.He rquested that Ned not call on him after Stringybark creek as he “didn’t hold with murder”.The Mcmonigle family lie in the Greta cemetery. Jack died on 5th may 1931 aged 82 years. The plot is marked.


INSPECTOR BROOKE- SMITH-Buried in Melbourne General cemetery.


JOHN BROWN GRIBBLE-Reverend Gribble was present @ Jerilderie during the Kelly raid.He is buried in the Waverley cemetery in N.S.W.


WILLIAM GOUGE-Bill gouge died in a riding accident in 1878.Most of the population of Euroa were attending the funeral in the old Euroa cemetery when the Kelly contingent rode past at some haste during the bank robbery. From main gate,go 100 metres.Turn right and go 8 metres. Another 4 metres along on the left hand side, you will find the grave.


WILLIAM BAUMGARTEN-Grave is in the Barnawartha cemetery.The brothers had purchased horses from the gang.The family were first generation selectors.


JAMES WHITTY-A powerful Moyhu squatter, he died less than 2 years after Ned. They were formidable enemies. Whitty lies buried in the Milawa cemetery whilst  the catholic church at Moyhu boasts a leadlight window dedicated to Whittys wife.


REDMOND BARRY-Judge Barry will forever be known as the man who sentenced Ned Kelly to death. At the trial, Ned prophesised they would meet again in a higher court.12 days later, he died. His ornate headstone can be seen in the Melbourne General cemetery. His statue stands outside the public library in Swanston St. Melbourne.


“There are two other statues near Barrys; St. George and the Dragon and a magnificent Joan of Arc. The pigeons and seagulls ignore these last two, but defecate profusely on the Barry statue. The thought is pure mischief but irresistable: are we seeing the evidence of some judgement in that higher court?”

          “The Last Outlaw”magazine-Les Carlyon(1980) Page 58






JOHN BUCKLEY CASTIEU-The governor at the Melbourne Gaol when Ned was hanged on 11th November, 1880.He treated Ned with respect and even brought in his young son to meet him. Ned  apparently repaid the compliment by suggesting he grow into a fine man-like his Father.Young Godfrey Castieu (Cass) grew up to play the part of Ned in a number of early Kelly films. John Castieu is buried in St. Kilda cemetery.



ELLEN GUNN and ELLEN KELLY-The first grave to be established in Greta cemetery.Ellen Gunn was the daughter of Neds sister, Annie Gunn.She died an infant.Ellen Kelly was the illegitimate daughter of Ellen Kelly and William Frost-a local boundary rider who neglected all responsibility for the child until Ellen took him to court.When the child died, Bill Frost disappears from the story.Grave is 67C in the Roman Catholic section.


GRACE GRIFFITHS-Neds sister, younger than Kate and Maggie.she died in May 1940 aged 74 years. She is buried in Greta cemetery. The Griffith family are still a well known one in the area.There is a story of Graces son, “Black Jack” Griffiths firing on a couple of journalists he discovered on his property one day.The relatives hold their family story close to their chest and MUST be respected.


WILLIAM ELLIOTT-Elliott was the school master @ Jerilderie at the time of the Kelly raid. Ned decided he should give the kids the day off in honour of the occasion. Elliott is buried in Jerilderie cemetery.


SAMUEL REYNOLDS-Doctor Reynolds performed the post mortem on the police officers bodies when they were retrieved from Stringybark creek. He died in 1901 and is buried in Mansfield cemetery.







So there you have it. I will add more information on the participants final resting places as I continue research. In the meantime, please tread carefully and respect our heritage and the families concerned.






“Much has changed in Kelly Country.The dirt tracks to the diggings are now paved to facilitate an age called progress. Fences now bound the land where once rich squatters like Whitty would impound poor farmers cattle for straying on their land and towns have changed into respectable urban settlements.



Greta,which possibly holds more claim to the Kellys than any other place, nestles peacefully on the plains of fifteen mile creek. A family history which put Greta on the map now lays peacefully in the Greta cemetery.”