
Guest book


Kelly gang trivia 

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Young Kelly authors           

Kelly book reviews

Kelly in magazine

Kelly in music

Talk show on Kelly

Thank you



The early years

A hero is born

The young cub

Fitzpatrick mystery

Stringybark creek

Euroa Bank

Jerilderie bank


Aaron shooting




Kelly armour

Kelly weapons

Jerilderie Letter

Cameron Letter


Art Gallery

Greta Mob Insider

Ned: the exhibition

The Last Outlaw


Ned News

Men & Myths


Why a Kelly site?





Cast your vote here,new additions will be added weekly,and then summed up after a week or when someone votes over the weekly period is over, Have your say Below!

Otherwise you can always email me on:

What do you think happened to Dan Kelly & Steve Hart at Glenrowan June 28th 1880?

They died in the smoke and the flames e-mail here: dan_steve_died@kellygang.cjb.net 

I think they died but not a 100% e-mail here :          not_sure@kellygang.cjb.net 

I wouldn't have a clue e-mail here:                         dont_know@kellygang.cjb.net 

Trust me, they escaped for sure! e-mail here :        dan_steve_escaped@kellygang.cjb.net 

RESULTS [1/12/01]

No, The Gang were no-good cop killers? 0

A bit of both Heroes and Villains 1

They were important part of Australian History but were no heroes? 0

They were Heroes; they were pushed into a life on the run by that mongrel Fitzpatrick,Heoes Lived; Heroes they died? 4


What do you think of the New design Kelly Gang Site?? [10/12/01]
I love it is the best the site has been! 1
Look's better than the older one 0
Look's about the same as the older one 0
It is alright not as good as the other one though 0
The older one was much better 0

What is your favourite place in Kelly Country??? [10/12/01]
Jerilderie 2
Greta 2
Beveridge 0
Glenrowan 8
Euroa 4
Benalla 1

What do you think happened to Dan Kelly & Steve Hart at Glenrowan? [9/01/02]